Kay Porter owns Porter Performance Systems, a sports and organizational counseling firm in Eugene, Oregon. She teaches mental training techniques to athletes, teams, businesses, and school districts. She has also worked as a personal preparations coach to the University of Oregon Athletic Department, USA Track and Field, and the U.S. Tennis Association. Speaking engagements have included keynote addresses at the Women's Olympic Marathon Trials, wellness conferences, women in business conferences, and sales conferences, as well as to marathoners in Boston, Houston and Pittsburgh. She is a counselor in private practice and an executive coach.

She is the author of The Mental Athlete: Inner Training for Peak Performance, Human Kinetics (2003), and Visual Athletics, W.C. Brown. She co-produced two teaching videotapes, "The Mental Athlete" and "Change Your Mind!! Inner Training for Women in Business," and has created audiotapes and CDs of specific guided visualizations for goal achievement, stress reduction, and coping with sports injuries. She has written and published over 30 articles for national magazines and journals such as "Physician & Sports Medicine," "Runner's World," and "World Tennis."
Dr. Porter holds her Ph.D. in Human Developmental Psychology from the University of Oregon and was an assistant professor at the University of Oregon Center for Gerontology for eight years. She is an appointed member of the United States Olympic Committee Sports Psychology Registry. She was a competitive tennis player in high school and college and has been a competitive masters runner having completed seven marathons. One of her passions is helping women get fit and finding their inner athlete.